Oldham Council appointed us to evaluate their ‘Whole System Whole Place’ (WSWP) approach to Public Sector Reform. The work involved developing a predictive model to identify potential savings that could be achieved through more integrated delivery of public sector services (Oldham Council, Police, NHS/CCG). The model was underpinned with a series of logic chains that involved scoping the inputs and activities, outcomes and impacts associated with particular interventions as the basis for identifying the implications on the demand for services moving forward.
The work included the development of assessment frameworks for a range of interventions being delivered by partner agencies in the fields of Work and Skills, Families, Early Years, Health, Transforming Justice, Drugs and Alcohol and Older People. The logic chains and assumptions in the model were informed by desk based research, a review of published evidence, collation and analysis of management data and statistics from partner agencies as well as focus groups with operational staff and discussions with service managers.
The model has since been used by Oldham Council and the CCG in commissioning the provision of mental health services for children and adolescents (CAMHS) differently, particularly in relation to early intervention.