In 2018 AMION carried out a summative assessment of the Serious Impact project for Allia.
This ERDF-funded project provided a comprehensive support programme focused on business start-up, survival and growth. It aimed to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, support business start-ups, accelerate early stage businesses and incubate those with potential to create both economic and social impacts. The project provided support in the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough area.
Among the support provided is incubation space in Allia’s Cambridge and Peterborough Future Business Centres. Businesses in the incubation space are supported through a focused incubation programme which enables businesses in the agri-tech, enviro-tech, smart cities, health-tech and social-tech to develop and grow. Support provided includes mentoring, training and network development. Start-ups and early stage ventures which are selected to join the incubation programme are provided with support for between nine and 18 months.
The evaluation included a survey of beneficiaries (carried out by Spirul) and consultations with the Allia team. It also included case studies of two beneficiaries.
Our evaluation demonstrated that the project had been successful in achieving its targets and objectives.